JULIUS LEAVES A LEGACYJulius Trombino's sister (and founder of Love More For Julius charity), Christina Trombino, tells us Julius' story and what the...
MUSIC HEALS: Babies Born with Opioid Addictions Are Using Music Therapy to Soothe Withdrawl SymptomsThere are tiny innocent babies suffering because of their mothers’ addiction but music can soothe their withdrawals is absolutely...
OPIOID ADDICTION IS SKY ROCKETING, BUT FEW GET TREATMENT MEDS.Opioid addiction among Americans under the age of 25 is skyrocketing, climbing nearly sixfold between 2001 and 2014. Yet only 1 in 4...
FUNDRAISERS TO RAISE AWARENESS: KNOCK OUT OPIOID ABUSEKnock Outs 🥊 #knockoutopioidabuse #communityincrisis #lovemoreforjulius ❤️ @OverthrowBoxing NYC Instagram: @LoveMoreForJulius Facebook:...
How Rutgers became a national model for helping student addicts in recoveryPlease take a moment to read this article and educate yourself. 18- to 25-year-olds are at the highest risk of having problems with...